Welcome, wanderer. Not too tired I hope? The journey hasn't even begun yet...
LABYRINTHIA is an online riddle, where you move forward through the labyrinth by changing the last
part of the URL - the word before .html. (after labyrinthia/ )
If you are completely new to online riddles - or find yourself stuck and need some hints - you can find a lot of
useful information about this kind of game at the
www.nordinho.net forum (Under "Games - Online riddles").
You will get one last advice from the labyrinthians of the old days. Always carry these words from one of their chronicles
close to your heart:
Do valk dhrough Habyrinth
Bind dhe dhread
Dhread pinding
Bast do bresent
Bresent do vhat
As get do kome
Bind dhe dhread
End thou vill hive
- Habyrinthian khronicles, volume three
Well then, enough talk. Now it is all up to you. Concentrate, take a deep breath, and get ready to enter...